Texture Rubbings

Constructing an image from textures
You will need:
Soft pencils (2B, 3B or 4B)
Taking rubbings
Look around you for surfaces to take pencil rubbings from. There will be many wherever you look; try to find some unexpected ones – like the bottom of your shoe, for example.
Having experimented with different rubbings, you will now use various texture rubbings as “material”, from which to compose a textural drawing.
Working on a new sheet of paper, first faintly map out a drawing – the general outlines of a landscape, for example, or of a still life.
Now have fun finding appropriate texture rubbings for each part of your drawing. Remember that things closer to us will be bigger and bolder, and will have a stronger and heavier texture. Things further away will need a finer texture.
This is not a collage – there is no cutting. All the rubbings are made on this single sheet of paper.
Texture Rubbings