A day in the life of…An “ad journal”
You are the generation who are exposed to the most marketing in the history of the world! You are constantly being bombarded with advertisements aimed specifically at you.
To test this, on just one normal day, try to count every single advertisement that crosses your path from the moment you wake up, till you go to bed. Keep a small notebook and jot down only the name of the product.
Be alert to the advertising you normally don’t notice! Does someone have the radio on when you wake up? Count the commercials you hear. Is the television on somewhere in the house? Count those adverts too. Is there a newspaper on the table? How many adverts can you see on the page? What about all the billboards you see on the way to school? Count every one of those, as well as adverts on the sides of buses, the signboards outside the corner shop, the radio playing in the taxi, the magazines you page through, the movies that you go to that evening, and any others in between.
So, how many was that? You might have found it difficult to keep count. That is why it is important that you are intelligent and critical when it comes to deciphering and decoding adverts. You are surrounded by messaging encouraging you to spend and spend. How are you going to make independent decisions about what you need and what you buy? And what things are really important to you?
In general, do you believe what advertisements say? Elaborate on your answer.