An imaginary place of your own creation
Bring a world into being
This project can be done in groups of two, three or more. If there are more people in the group, the finished work should be bigger.
You will need:
Felt pens, crayons, coloured pencils, watercolour paints
Source material for ideas and inspiration (optional), such as travel brochures and travel magazines
In this project, you will invent your own imaginary place. It may be an island, another planet, or a world deep under the ground – whatever you choose. But what is important is that you will create everything to do with this place – starting with its name, and then a picture of its landscape. You may choose to follow Battiss’s example, and make maps, invent an alphabet, design stamps and flags; or you might concentrate on its strange flowers, fruit, its imaginary architecture. You could design its clothes, its hairstyles and its culture. You could invent national holidays – based on its imaginary history.
Finally, design a travel brochure fully illustrated with images of your own, advertising this place to tourists.